TRIGGER WARNING: Heavy emotional content. How did you spend your weekend? Relaxing? Unwinding? Me too, on Sunday. But on Friday & Saturday I participated in a fantastic 2-day workshop called ASIST – Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training. ASIST teaches people how to have powerful and safe conversations with someone in crisis. We learned to ask
Most men are emotionally disconnected and angry – and yet we hold all the big levers that can be used to solve climate change, poverty, social inequity, and war. This is NOT OK. – Israel Smith I’m writing to you today with a Call to Hearts, Not Arms. I believe we are a crossroads for humanity, and in particular masculine evolution. I
The world is very fast and loud, especially at this time of year, and especially as many regions/countries are “opening up” after pandemic lockdowns. It seems to me (on the news, at least) that many people are determined to cram as much activity into their days as possible, somehow trying to make up for the
There are no accidents. Me popping into your inbox right this moment, you reading this post wherever you are, the weather where you live, that person who just phoned out of the blue… There. Are. No. Accidents. How do I know this? There are too many serendipitous reasons to list, but a few that spring
It’s the time of year where many of us start reflecting—almost automatically—on the year that has been, and the year ahead. In other words, focusing on endings and beginnings. Many artists through time have commented on the coupled nature of beginnings and endings. It’s impossible to have one without another. Start, stop. Begin, end. Birth,
I am simply putting one foot in front of the other right now. I’m not sure if I’m enjoying the ride/writing. I am beginning to wonder if I might be better served by dedicating extended blocks of time to my writing, and setting bigger targets. I’ll sleep on it, and maybe do some writing early tomorrow. With