September 6, 2013


“Do one good thing every day.” – Unknown

Today’s IQ is pretty simple, on the surface, and pretty broad. But there’s a depth to it, if you search, just as there is a relevance to this seemingly random shot of a telegraph pole with criss-crossing wires.

The good thing you do today may (should?) make an impact on someone’s life. That someone might take a new set of actions that impacts the life of another person (or people). And those people might be moved from their current course of action to a new, better path as a result of your initial good deed.

We will never, ever know the full impact we have on others in this world. The pathways – like these wires – stretch far beyond our recognition and overlap in ways we cannot foresee.

So the lesson is simple: Do one good thing every day.

If every action has untold impacts and overlaps with others in the world, we better make sure it ‘s a good action. Wouldn’t you agree?

With love,
Israel. xo


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