July 29, 2022

It’s been a while, hey listeners?! I’ve had a bunch of wild adventures happening in my personal and work worlds, which I will unpack separately in a solo episode once I wrap up publishing this series of interviews (only a couple more to go!) 

For now, I am super excited to share this chat with Charlie McCarron, where we talk about his most recent career change, having a child with a chronic health condition, managing anger, and the typical male responses we have both dropped into unconsciously at different points in our lives. 

It’s a beautiful chat made all the more enjoyable by Charlie’s musical Irish accent – but I must warn you there’s a decent drop of f*bombs on this episode. I blame Charlie and his Irish-ness hahah

Enjoy the chat and let me know what you love the most! My contact details are below.

With love and gratitude, Israel. xo

GUEST LINKS: You can connect with Charlie here:



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WORK WITH ME – Israel Smith – Well-Being & Emotional Resilience Coach and Speaker. I’m a 1:1 Coach & Speaker, helping Dads in Business & Leadership find more peace, feel less stress, and be the best parent & leader they can be. Contact me to learn more about how you can work with me 1:1, book me for speaking gigs, or have me consult to your company.

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