June 21, 2013


“An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.” – Henry David Thoreau

I am setting myself a challenge.

To get up, and move, before I start work for the day, every single day.

I am committing to either go for a walk, do yoga, surf, run, stretch, skip, bicycle, or do anything physical where I get my heart rate up and body moving, every single day.

It’s essential for my mental and physical health, and yet it is the one thing I avoid most often. It’s also something I cop out on at the moment because it’s bloody cold in Sydney lately, and a bit rainy and overcast. (Boo hoo.)

Today’s IQ photo was taken on such a walk. The reward, to me, speaks for itself.

So, up I get.

You with me?

With love,
Israel. xo

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