February 6, 2012

I guess you could kind of say we are creatures of habit. We prefer to think of ourselves as having special family rituals that we hope one day our kids will share with their kids. We have Fun Family Friday nights (we watch a movie & eat dinner in front of the TV) and Sunday Family Day (home made pancakes, bacon & eggs cooked on the public BBQ’s at Coogee Beach). Every year we go to the same wonderful place (Crescent Head) for our Christmas Holiday. And every year Israel does a portrait shoot of the kids around the same spot at Crescent Head just so we can track what a difference a year makes!

We’d love to share some of our favourite images from this years shoot with you, but also share a few from last year too. Just so you can see what a difference a year has made to our cherubs.

The above image is our absolute favourite from the shoot. It shows both their personalities, and Indrani’s little mothering instinct – she is never far from her little brother just in case he gets into trouble. We are having this made into a feature sized acrylic – can’t wait to have it!

The next 2 images show just what a difference a year has made to Rilien. In 2010 he was just 2 months old when Israel took the image below. You could say he was a bit of a lump & happy to sit in Indrani’s arms. The one after from this year shows a robust unit who just was not interested in sitting in his sisters arms.

What can I say about what happened to our little girl somewhere between pre-school & being in Kindy last year. She looks the same, but she carries herself very differently. The images on the left in the next two sets show her in 2010. Now look at the difference on the right – there is just a whole new level of maturity in her manner. Seeing these images together made me teary – I simply am not ready for her to be growing up so fast. And Dad (Israel), well I know he is definitely not ready!

And check out our little dude. From the baby in the left hand images, to the cheeky toddler on the right. How does so much change happen in just one year? He can bowl me over with just one of those cheeky grins and he knows it!

The remainder of the images that follow are some of our other favourites from the shoot. Hope I haven’t gone too overboard:-)


Our two clowns!

Indrani is always wanting to wear her ‘evening’ dresses. She was determined to have a costume change into this dress. I am glad she is so determined – she looks gorgeous doesn’t she?


CHEEKY! Nothing else to say:-)

Yep, he is a boy for sure. Could not sit still for very long & just had to have something in his hands. Indrani is so use to it now – she just takes it in her stride.


This melted my heart when I saw what Indrani had written in the sand (I Love My Family) and then asked Dad to take a photo of it.

Here we were trying desperately to get Rilien to sit with Indrani under the pier just like last year (see one of the images at the top). The only way we could get him to remotely sit still and stay close to his sister was to let him play with this revolting half eaten apple that someone had left behind on the beach. To us, this image is perfect – Indrani as always looking at the camera, Rilien as always with something in his hands & being cheeky. Love, love, love these kids!

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