October 31, 2022

Why You Don’t Know What You Want…

If I were to ask you “What do you want?” … Would you be able to answer? Would you know? AND… would you even be answering from your own true, authentic desires of what you want? Or, would your answer be skewed with the desires/pressures/motivations of your environment, social and otherwise?

It’s crucial that we know what we truly want and desire in this life. For, without that, where are we going and how do we weigh the important choices of our life?

Learn all about the barriers in the way between you and knowing truly what you want, AND some steps on how to get through those barriers and connect more deeply to your true desires.

And, as discussed in the episode, check out my Life Alignment Survey here: https://israelsmith.com/lifealignmentsurvey/

Tell me how this episode served you. Send me an email, or drop me a DM on IG. 😃❤️🙏

With love and gratitude,
Israel. xo



WORK WITH ME – Israel Smith – Well-Being & Emotional Resilience Coach and Keynote Speaker.
I help Dads in Business & Leadership find more peace, feel less stress, and be the best parent & leader they can be. Contact me to learn more about how you can work with me 1:1, book me for speaking gigs, or have me consult to your company.

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