December 4, 2013


“I think I can.”

Today’s IQ comes from a beautiful railway in Fargo, ND, and a children’s book that I read yesterday.

Picture this: Around lunchtime, Belinda and I have a chat about plans and financial goals. It disintegrates into an argument, with Belinda pointing out that I was selling us and our abilities well short, and “playing small”.

I realise now that I was being driven into a small cave of fear. My own fear of failure, of putting myself outside my comfort zone, was paralysing me.

Now picture this: Later that day, as I put we were putting the kids to bed. I was reading “The Little Engine That Could” to Rilien. I reached the part where the small, helpful engine comes along and says:

“I think I can, I think I can, I think I have a plan,
I can do most anything, if I only think I can!”

I cracked up laughing. The lesson was so obvious, yet so out of left field, that it took me completely by surprise.

So late that night, I went to bed thinking to myself: “I think I can.”

And here we are.

With love,
Israel. xo


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