September 18, 2013


“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment.” – Henry David Thoreau

You know, most of the time I have a simple story to share that triggers my choice of image and quote, and prompts the whole piece.

Today, however, I was struck with a simple, pure love for this image and the quote.

This image captures the exact instant before the wave breaks: the wave, poised, almost broken and casting a shadow on the sand; the rich colour of the ocean; the rippled surface of the wet sand getting sucked into the wave’s energy. What’s not to love?

Also, Thoreau’s quote (as per usual) is perfect. To me, it’s a great reminder of how I strive to live, and what I love about my daily attempt to live in the present and live mindfully. Each moment is a great opportunity to acknowledge our infinite spirit, and the countless miracles that surround us each and every day.

By the time you read this, I’ll be getting prepared for an online video interview on The Shut Up Show with my friend Berni Xiong and her buddy Phil Gerbyshak. I’m excited, nervous, flattered, humbled, and overall kinda jittery with energy.

I think I should re-read this IQ before I go on air… and remind myself to live in the present and launch myself onto this new wave.

With love,
Israel. xo


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