January 20, 2014
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“Move, lovely.”

I came back from my summer holidays thin, fit, tanned, and feeling terrific. I have since put on some weight, eaten a whole host of the wrong foods, and have started feeling a bit fuller around the middle than I’d prefer.

Guess why? I’ve been spending my days pouring my brain into my computer, sitting my butt on a chair. Compare this with my holiday regime, which included daily surfs, walks, and running around after the kids … is it any wonder?!

Today’s IQ is thus an invitation to you, as much as a reminder to me, to MOVE, lovely.

Move that butt. Get your blood pumping. Make it a regular habit. You’ll feel better, your health will improve, and you’ll go through life with a great big smile from all the endorphins you’re releasing.

With love – and movement,
Israel. xo


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