March 14, 2014


“Don’t just do something, stand there.” – Rochelle Myer

Huh? Yes, actually. This quote is the right way around. I laughed, loudly, in the café I was in when I read this. It could be said that I lol’d.

Never forget the power of standing firm for what you believe. Or simply standing still for a few moments, when everything is going crazy all around you.

Earlier today, I was taught the power of standing firm. As a result of some challenging work “stuff”, my stomach was in knots, I felt nervous, tense, uncomfortable. My heart rate was much higher than normal.

I was also feeling a huge amount of doubt about myself and my position within the “stuff”.

Fortunately, with the support of my amazing wife, and a friend or two, I got some good advice, took some appropriate actions, and felt instantly relieved and comfortable again.

And, as a side bonus, I learned that I needed to stand strong in my own power and confidence about who I am, what I stand for, and what I do. HUGE bonus lesson.

So I stand here (or there, as the case may be), grateful. I didn’t “just do” what was being strongly negotiated… I just stood there. And it made an enormous difference.

With love,
Israel. xo


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