August 23, 2014



Occasionally we get opportunities to connect with others. Fortunately for me, in my work and in my personal life, I get these opportunities almost daily. And since connecting with other people gives me energy and vitalises me, I do my best to make it a regular habit.

Sometimes, I want to withdraw. Sometimes we all do. This is normal. But connecting can give us so much. I noticed this yesterday through two events which were almost next to each other.

I chose not to go to Fluro Friday at Bondi yesterday morning, even though I had everything laid out and ready from the night before. I chose to sleep in, be lazy, hang with my kids. I chose not to connect, not to move out of my comfort zone.

I also chose to connect with a new friend yesterday, which was immediately after the Fluro Friday event. It was a risk, as these things often can be, but a worthwhile and rewarding one.

Late last night, I regretted missing Fluro Friday, as I realised how much fun everyone had, and how special it would have felt to be part of their Robin Williams tribute event. I also felt uplifted at having taken the risk to meet with a new friend – a sharp contrast to the regret I felt for having withdrawn.

Occasionally I withdraw because it’s essential for my headspace. I know that if I push any further, I’ll fall apart. But yesterday I withdrew out of fear and laziness, and I have to accept the consequences of that choice.

So ironic that these choices and their consequences were right alongside each other. It’s almost like the Universe wanted me to have this lesson reinforced.

Have a wonderful day, and do your best to CONNECT with others at every opportunity. We’re all in this together.

With love,
Israel. xo



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