July 11, 2014


“Change your internal script.” 

Unless your life is amazing in every way, in every aspect. If that’s you, don’t change your internal script, because the current one is working.

I read an article yesterday – this one – about how a man changed his computer password, and proceeded to change his life. (Go on, read it. I’ll wait.)

Done? Good.

That guy changed his internal script by simply changing his computer password.

Every single time he entered his password, he was re-programming his mind with a subtle – yet very effective – affirmation on how he wanted his life to go.

We are a collection of habits and patterns, and contrary to the “people don’t change” belief, we can change. And we can architect those changes ourselves.

How do you want your life to be? What change would make the single biggest difference in your life?

Now, think about what story you currently tell yourself about that aspect of your life. Is it empowering, or disempowering? What could you say to yourself several times a day – as often as you type your password – that would change that story and give you something positive to work with?

Go for it.

And remember to use a few Capital Letters, a couple 0f numb3rs, and the odd cr@zy character in there, OK!?

With love,
Israel. xo


{"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}